Are you planning on upgrading to a new air conditioner, just in time for the heatwave or are you simply trying to get rid of your old one? Disposing of any electrical items can be risky when you are unaware of the outcomes of disposing of them with the rest of your rubbish.

Electrical appliances often contain harmful components that can cause serious damage to the environment when dumped into a landfill site. As we are quite far into the summer and temperatures continue to rise, it’s worth finding out how to dispose of your old air conditioner responsibly.

Here at Skip It, we can help you dispose of your air conditioner responsibly, while ensuring your safety and that of the environment!

Why is it important to dispose of air conditioner responsibly?

Regardless of the type, all air conditioners contain some form of coolant. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), most cooling units and dehumidifiers contain chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon 200 (HCFC) refrigerants.

CFCs and HCFCs are ozone-depleting substances (ODS) that can destroy the Ozone Layer if released into the environment and left unchecked. The refrigerants are also potent greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.

Because these substances are so dangerous, it’s illegal to put your old air conditioner out with the rest of your rubbish.

The Environment Agency recently reported that approximately 378,200 tonnes of electrical waste were collected from British households, meaning that large volumes of such waste could end up in landfill, damaging our environment. The surrounding natural habitat and human health are seriously at risk, if individuals remain unaware of how to dispose of their air conditioners responsibly.

How do I dispose of old air conditioner UK?

There are plenty of options out there when it comes to getting rid of your air conditioner responsibly.

Amazingly, your air conditioner can be handed over and you can actually get money back through a special program, as sponsored by your local or regional utility provider. According to the EPA, you would be paid a so-called “bounty”, for allowing your appliance to be collected and recycled.

Contact your electricity provider to find out about the bounty programs in your area!

Contact your local sanitation department to find out if there are specific disposal centers in Epsom where you can take your old air conditioner. They can also guide you on whether a qualified technician is needed to remove the coolant, similar to the process for refrigerators and freezers.

When purchasing your new air conditioner, it is worth checking with the retailer to see if they can dispose of your old model for you. Some merchants provide this service as part of the sale, while others may even reduce the cost of your item in exchange for the trade!

Another solution – most preferred by Skip It – is to recycle your air conditioner, by passing it on to someone else. If it is still working but you have no need for it, you can donate it to those who could put it to better use.

However, if your air conditioner is completely worn out, you may seek out a local organisation that reuses components, rather than chucking them straight into landfill. While some parts of an air conditioner aren’t recyclable, many materials, such as metals and plastics, can be recycled and reused!

The fastest and most convenient solution to dispose of your old air conditioner is to book Skip It’s reliable Wait & LoadHousehold Clearance or Skip Hire services. Whether it is for your residential or commercial site, we provide a variety of effective and safe waste disposal services!

We are strongly committed to disposing of items responsibly, with the environment’s safety our top priority. In fact, 95 per cent of all the waste we collect gets recycled by our network of accredited recycling centres.

Contact us today to book a service with Skip It!

Also, learn about how to recycle and dispose of other household waste in our handy blog posts: